
Friday 20 March 2015

Spring is Here! - Read, Sing & Dance

The first day of Spring is in 2015 on March 20 (according to the astronomical definition). It is also called the spring quinox. Spring is one of the four temperate seasons, the transition period between winter and summer. Spring and "springtime" refer to the season, and broadly to ideas of rebirth, renewal and regrowth.

First day of spring appears by new leaves and flower shoots.
First day of spring appears by new leaves and flower shoots.
Copyright: konradlew, license: iStockphoto

At the spring equinox or the first day of spring, days are close to 12 hours long with day length increasing as the season progresses.

Unstable weather may more often occur during spring, when warm air begins on occasions to invade from lower latitudes, while cold air is still pushing on occasions from the Polar regions.

Cute Calendar

The Three Little Pigs

Goldilocks and The Three Bears

The Gingerbread Man

Solar eclipse 2015: Five things to know

solar eclipse 6
The eclipse, seen through clouds on the Canary Islands. 


  1. Thanks a lot Pilar
    Have a very good spring and a lovely life

  2. Thank you Pilar
    I love spring and I love you
